

New York State Education Department
Office of the Professions
License No. 021712


Post-Doctoral Clinical Psychology Fellowship 
World Trade Center Health Program 
NYU School of Medicine Clinical Center of Excellence (NYUSOM CCE)
NYU Langone Health
New York, New York 

Ph.D., Clinical Psychology
University of North Texas
Denton, Texas

Pre-Doctoral APA-Accredited Psychology Internship
Westchester Jewish Community Services
Hartsdale and Mt. Vernon, New York

B.S., Psychology
Indiana University
Bloomington, Indiana

Professional Experience

Director of Psychological Assessment
& Senior Psychologist (Present)

World Trade Center Health Program 
NYU School of Medicine Clinical Center of Excellence (NYUSOM CCE)
NYU Langone Health
New York, New York

Pre-Doctoral Psychology Intern
Westchester Jewish Community Services (WJCS)
Hartsdale and Mt. Vernon, New York

Trauma Therapist
Denton County Friends of the Family
Denton, Texas

Psychology Extern 
University of North Texas Health Science Center
Fort Worth, Texas

Psychology Extern 
John Peter Smith Hospital (JPS) 
Fort Worth, Texas 

Outpatient Therapist and Psychological Evaluator 
University of North Texas Psychology Clinic
Denton, Texas

Research Experience

Co-Principal Investigator CDC/NIOSH, R#11-01413WTC
Health Program NYU School of Medicine Clinical Center of Excellence 

"Effective factors in the treatment of post traumatic stress reactions in WTC first responders”

Research Coordinator, CDC/NIOSH
WTC Health Program NYU School of Medicine Clinical Center of Excellence 

"Prognosis and Determinants of Asthma Morbidity in World Trade Center Rescue and Recovery Workers" 

Research Fellow
Westchester Jewish Community Services 

Doctoral Dissertation: Life beyond Betrayal: The Influence of Self-as-Context on Self-Complexity and Posttraumatic Stress 

Master’s Thesis: Exploring the Relationships between Mindfulness, Self-Compassion, and Ethnic Identity Development  

Senior Research Assistant
University of North Texas Contextual Psychology Group 

Teaching Experience

Staff Instructor
Westchester Jewish Community Services

Graduate-Level Courses 
Cognitive Assessment 
Personality Assessment 
Lab Instructor 
University of North Texas

Undergraduate-Level Courses 
General Psychology II 
Instructor of Record 
University of North Texas

Ad Hoc Reviewer - Evaluation of Manuscripts for Journals  

• Journal of Interpersonal Violence 
• Psychotherapy  
• The Clinical Neuropsychologist 
• Journal of Traumatic Stress
• Psychiatry Research
• Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
• Disability and Rehabilitation  
• Journal of Child and Family Studies
• International Journal of Mental Health Promotion
• Injury Epidemiology
• Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
• Journal of Psychotherapy Integration
• Counseling and Psychotherapy Research
• Reviewer for Clinical Intervention Submissions, ISTSS Annual Convention
(2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020)

Professional Affiliations

• International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies
• Division 56 of APA, Trauma Psychology 
• Division 12 of APA, Society of Clinical Psychology
• Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS)
• American Psychological Association (APA)

Publications (some listed under maiden name) 

Masterson-Duva, M., Haugen, P. T., Werth, A. S., Foster, A. L., Chassman, E., & Brietbart, W. (2020). Adapting Meaning-Centered Psychotherapy for World Trade Center responders. Palliative & Supportive Care.

Haugen, P. T., Werth, A. S., Foster, A. L., & Owens, J. (2017).
Are rupture-repair episodes related to outcome in the treatment of trauma-exposed World Trade Center responders? Counseling and Psychotherapy Research, 17(4), 276-282.

Haugen, P. T., Werth, A. S., Foster, A. L., & Owen, J. (2016).
The role of theory-specific techniques and therapeutic alliance in promoting positive outcomes: Integrative psychotherapy for World Trade Center responders. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 204(12), 955-959. 

Invited Book Chapter, New Harbinger Publication 

Murrell, A.R., Schmalz, J., & Sinha, A. (2014).
Acceptance, mindfulness, and spirituality. In A. Masuda (Ed.), Mindfulness and Acceptance in Multicultural Competency: A Contextual Approach to Sociocultural Diversity in Theory and Practice. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger.

Training Workshops and Symposia (some listed under maiden name)

Murrell, A. R., Schmalz, J., & Sinha, A. (2012, November). Learning ACT: An experiential introduction. Two and a half day experiential workshop presented at the Lantana Lodge, Pilot Point, Texas. 

 Murrell, A. R., Pepper, S., Schmalz, J., Sinha, A. (2011, March). Learning ACT: An experiential introduction. Two and a half day experiential workshop presented at the Lantana Lodge, Pilot Point, Texas. 

 Sinha, A. (2010, May). Evaluating process variables in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Symposium Chair and Discussant at the annual meeting for the Association for Behavior Analysis International, San Antonio, Texas.

Peer-Reviewed Presentations and Lectures (some listed under maiden name)

Werth, A. S. (2020 February). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Lecture presented for the Bellevue Hospital clinical pre-doctoral psychology internship class, Bellevue Hospital Center, New York, NY.

Werth, A. S. (2019, April). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Lecture presented for the Bellevue Hospital clinical pre-doctoral psychology internship class, Bellevue Hospital Center, New York, NY.

Foster, A., & Werth, A. S. (2016, February). Using research to inform clinical care. Lecture presented at the New York University Steinhardt Department of Applied Psychology, New York, NY.

Werth, A. S. (2015, November). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Lecture presented for the Bellevue Hospital clinical pre-doctoral psychology internship class, Bellevue Hospital Center, New York, NY. Connally, M. L., Hulsey, T., Steinberg, D., Moyer, D. N., Sinha, A., & Murrell, A. R. (2015, May). The ultimate selfie: Flexible perspectives of the self following  betrayal trauma exposure. Paper session presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis International Annual Convention, San Antonio, TX. 

Moyer, D. N., Connally, M. L., Sinha, A., & Murrell, A. R. (2014, May). Me, myself, and my ethnicity: Relationships among mindfulness, self-compassion, and ethnic identity development. Poster session presented at the Association for  Behavior Analysis International Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.

Sinha, A. (2013, October). Emotion-focused therapy for complex trauma. Lecture presented at the Treatment Center for Trauma and Abuse, Westchester Jewish Community Services, Hartsdale, New York. 

Sinha, A. (2013, October). Unintended consequences: Vicarious trauma in helping professionals. Lecture presented for the Lakeland Community Network of Mental Health Professionals, Shrub Oak, New York. 

Reid-Marks, L., Ghosh, A., Sinha, A., Littleton, B., Duron, K. (2012, August). The impact of socio-cultural factors on depression in older Hispanic adults. Poster session presented at the annual meeting for the American Psychological Association, Orlando, Florida. 

Sinha, A., Al-Jabari, R., Murrell, A.R. (2012, July). The good, the bad, the ugly: ACT clinical supervision. Lecture presented at the World Conference on Contextual Behavioral Science, Washington, D.C. 

Sinha, A., O’Brien, K., Murrell, A.R. (2012, July). Evaluating the effectiveness of a parent training protocol based on an acceptance and commitment therapy philosophy of parenting. Paper session presented at the World Conference on Contextual Behavioral Science, Washington, D.C. 

Jordan, M. & Sinha, A. (2012, March). Psychological and neuropsychological  assessment: Series introduction and personality assessment. Lecture presented at Psychiatry Grand Rounds, John Peter Smith Hospital, Fort Worth, Texas. 

Sinha, A., Al-Jabari, R., Murrell, A.R. (2011, May). Examining the impact of mindfulness and self-compassion on ethnic identity Development.  Poster session presented at the annual Research Symposium for the University of North Texas, Denton, Texas. 

Sinha, A., Schmalz, J. E., Adcock, A.C., LaBorde, C., Graham, B., Murrell, A. R. (2010, May). Validation of the Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire for Youth with an adult sample. Paper session presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, San Antonio, Texas.